4 Delicious Stars

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Wednesday, February 03, 2016


Sawyer Bennett always manages to make me fell all warm and fuzzy inside. So why only a 4 star rating? This could have easily been a 5 star if it wasn't...but let me start at the beginning.

Alex and Sutton both are what I love in main characters. Sutton - a kind, funny, sensual, mellow woman. Alex - a hot, broody, alpha-hole with a heart, who can be quite funny too. These two would have made up a perfect romance in my opinion.

Alex is a hockey player who hates his job. The reason why he hates being the superstar of a top league team lies in his past. He goes to work, does his job and goes home. Or sates his need for sex with random women. The team's management is unhappy with his reputation. In order to remedy that he has to join a good cause, being a spokesperson for a drug addict project.

Sutton is a counselor at the institution Alex is supposed to work with. Her lenience with him comes from experience and she knows that there is a reason why Alex has built seemingly insurmountable walls. As they get to know each other they feel a strong pull towards each other. It's sweet how Alex gets all giddy when he knows he will see Sutton later on.

The first part of the story is about Sutton and Alex getting to know each other and building a relationship. He knows that he will hurt her, not being able to reign in his asshole-side, but he is too selfish to let her go for her own sake. At around 60%  I was waiting for Alex' past to catch up with him. And it didn't. And didn't for another 20%. This stretch is the reason why it's only a four star. When the drama finally starts Alex has a quick TSTL moment. The last chapter and the epilogue where so sweet and adorable that Sawyer Bennett pulled me back into the boat. One of my favorite ends to a book.
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